The Milgram Moniter

Thursday, November 8, 2007

In case of emergency, Bush makes new government.

I'm beginning this blog with the intent to uncover laws and news that the media has ignored. They have done so in order to write meaningless stories about the latest trends or which celebrity is currently in rehab. One of the first things I found was this little gem, that quite honestly scares the shit out of me.

Executive Directive 51
When it should have been covered in the news: May-June 2007
Top stories in the news at the time: Paris Hilton in jail, and back again.

Imagine for a moment that our country is attacked again. A bomb goes of at an airport, or another building is reduced to rubble. Imagine a natural disaster that causes chaos and massive casualties. A new Katrina, an earthquake or Tsunami can hit the US and suddenly we have an entirely new government in place, and we are at their mercy.
This isn't the beginning to a brilliant movie. Although for the record, I'm trademarking it right now. This is possible with Executive Directive 51, a secretive little order that slipped undetected past most of the media. Apparently, Paris Hilton's time spent away from her cell phone and credit card was more important at the time. Let me give you the lowdown on what this order does.

Like any of Bush's ideas it was meant to protect us. Supposedly. The thought process behind it was that in case of a disaster there would be an emergency plan in place. Sounds good right? Cut through to the fine print and this order is one step down from giving Bush his own dictatorship. It basically takes the power out of the other branches and rests it solely in the executive branch. But only in the event of a "catastrophic emergency." Which is what exactly?

The order defines it as this, "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions." Well, that's very specific. Thanks for clearing the up, George. Regardless of location? So if there is a strike at the toilet paper production plants in Taiwan and it affects or economy, we get a new government?

This is the part that gets to me. During one of these so called "anything events," An "Enduring Constitutional Government," comprising of a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government," coordinated by the President of the United States, will take the place of the nation's regular government. An official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President will be in charge of this "continuity of government effort".

Say what? Did I just read that right? How about we put that one on a bumper sticker. In case of emergency, Bush makes new government. Tough shit America.

This goes against the Constitution itself which, last time I checked made all three branches of power EQUAL for a reason. But that was the old days when we stuck to the Constitution, and didn't throw out the insignificant details like Habeas Corpus. Who needs that one anyway? the order for yourself and tell a friend. Make a bumper sticker. Wear a pin. Bring it up the next time your a few beers in and having a political debate. But don't just shrug it off.
posted by nola at 5:21 AM 0 comments